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Westalee Design Certification

Westalee Design Certification!

Click Here to watch a brief video on the amazing benefits!

Westalee Design Certified Home Quilter, and Westalee Design Certified Educator.

With so much interest over the past year in becoming certified using the Westalee Design Templates, we have created a program that will allow for both!

How it works…..


Westalee Design Certified Home Quilter

Home Quilter Level of Certifications:

  • Level 1 = 10 credits of university classes (Get $25 on sewsteadystage.wpengine.com Store Credits)
  • Level 2 = 20 credits of university classes (Get $25 on sewsteadystage.wpengine.com & $25 University Credits)
  • Level 3 = 30 credits of university classes  (Get $50 on sewsteadystage.wpengine.com & $50 University Credits)


In addition to getting an online badge to share levels of certification you will get credits that can be used online or in stores.

How To Apply: 

1. Sign up on our University to register past qualifying courses & future courses

2. Start earning credits for online and qualifying* in-store courses

3. Earn levels of Home Quilter Certification: Level 1 = 10 Credits, Level 2 = 20 Credits, Level 3 = 30 Credits

With Sew many courses to choose from, Ruler Work 101 or for our advanced enthusiast, Quilt As You Go, sign-up now and start earning your credits!


Westalee Design Certified Educator

Certified Educator Levels:

Click on the Link under each Level to Review Requirements & Benefits


1. Choose the Type of Certified Educator you would like to Focus on

2. Start earning credits for online university classes  and qualifying* in-store courses

3. Reach out to info@sewsteady.com to initiate next steps!

It’s that easy!


Are you ready to bring your ruler quilting to a whole new level? Or, if you’ve always been intimidated by free motion quilting, now is the time to try! Sew Steady University is for you! You’ll be able to revolutionize your quilting by using the Westalee Design rulers and earn your certification!

Why Westalee Design?


13 thoughts on “Westalee Design Certification

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  1. How do we find out what classes qualify for this? I’ve probably just overlooked it but haven’t seen anything with a list of what counts. Thank you,

  2. I would like some to become certified instructor, promoted instructor and/or design accredited teacher. how do I find out how to do this. I really like ruler quilting and have gotten to level 1 as home quilter and I know I need to get more credits. your videos are wonderful and very helpful.

    1. Hi Jen,
      Feel free to reach out to us via email at info@sewsteady.com or call us at the number below and we can give you an update on how many credits you have accrued so far. Thank you – ~ The Sew Steady Team

  3. I have completed the first level. How do I get the credits to apply to an order?
    Thank you,
    Patsy Ward

  4. I’m very interested in becoming a certified educator (In-Store). I would like to know if all of the credits I would need for being an In-Store Educator are available online, or would I have to travel to take classes?
    I currently teach the Westalee Templates at Sewing On The River in New Bern, NC.


    1. Hello Beth,
      Thank you for your interest in wanting to become an in-store educator. We have more information available in the links below as well as a form to fill out. Traveling is not required (up to the educator) however there is a need for educators who do travel. Please feel free to contact us at info@sewsteady.com and we can start conversations with you on the next steps.
      https://staging.sewsteady.com/education/reseller-instructor/ – Visit the Westalee Design Education Certification and Become a Sew Steady Promoted Instructor.

      Thank you! Sew Steady Team

  5. I am so excited to put all my rulers,knowledge,or lack of, to use in one place…nIt can be frustrating when you go to multiple sites looking for something you saw.I really wish there were more classes in the Southern New England area.

  6. I would like to know how much this course will cost. Is it available at all times if you are not available at the time of a live showing of a class? Is it available at all times?

    1. Hi Pat,

      Thank you for your interest. There are various classes, so depending on which one you choose would determine cost. Right now we have 2 courses that are FREE! The classes are online and the videos are preloaded so they are accessible at any time of day. Moderators of the course / instructors are notified when students join and are available through the university for questions and answers.
      Feel free to try one of our Free courses (Teachable is free as well). This will give you an idea of how it works.
      Please let us know if you have any further questions. https://sew-steady-university.teachable.com/
      ~ The Sew Steady Team

  7. I have been teaching Westalee classes with Crystal at Delaware Sewing Center since 2016 when I took the QASG classes on line. Since then I don’t know how many classes we have taught, but I has been at least 2 a year. I have also lead workshops on the Continuum quilts, The feather leaf sets, String of pearls, and the Janome set of templates. I have attended to live workshops with Geraldine Wilkins and Delaware Sewing Center and I have done 2 of her Sewalongs. I also have watched Donelles quiltalongs and have made the trianglr caddy holder and the placemat with the Circle.
    Iamam not a designer and do not teach actual projects in my workshops, but we make practice samples that they can use in a project of their choosing. I also lead our Westalee club, but shoes one of club members to lead the Essence of Design club as I was doing all I felt I could manage well.
    What else would I have to do to become a certified instructor.?

    1. Hello! Thank you for your interest in becoming a certified instructor. We are excited to see all your experience!
      We suggest you contact us via phone so we can discuss in further detail. We have different types of instructors, and this will give us a chance to talk through which one will be the best match. The link below will take you to a page, that has more information on becoming either a Promoted Instructor, or a Westalee Design Accredited Teacher.
      You can also email us at info@sewsteady.com and we can start further conversations with you as well.


      ~ The Sew Steady Team

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